Parish School of Religion
1st – 8th Grade Students
Parish School of Religion
1st - 8th Grade
1st - 5th Grade: Kelli LeBlanc | 337-332-2159 x 250 | kelli@stbernardch.com
6th - 8th Grade: Kaitlin Davis | 985-373- 0458 | kaitlin@stbernardch.com
PSR 1st-8th Grade | 2024-2025 CLASS SCHEDULE
Class Times
1st - 8th Grade Students
Class Time: 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. (Drop off time: 8:45 a.m., Pickup time 10:30 a.m.)
Location: Classes are held at St. Bernard School and the Borel Center
Drop off and Pick up: St. Bernard School Bus Port
Note: Please note gates do not open until 8:45 a.m. Also please be courteous and pick up your child on time to allow our volunteers to make it to the 11 a.m. mass
Attendance Policy
Please note that attending classes is important to nurturing the children’s faith. Therefore, we are not allowing more than 4 absences per year for grades 1st through 8th. If your child is unable to attend class, please notify the Coordinator at your earliest convenience.