Parish School of Religion
Faith Formation Program for Youth
Parish school of religion
Registration closes August 11, 2024
Welcome! With great pleasure, we welcome you and your family to our faith formation program here at St. Bernard Catholic Church.
We are privileged to serve in the ministry of “sharing the Catholic Christian faith” with all our children, from the very young to our teens. Faith is a relationship with the living God, which, like all relationships, in order to thrive must constantly be nurtured. Parents are the first teachers of their children in the ways of faith and we are honored to support parents, children, youth, and all parishioners in their lifelong journey of faith. Our catechists generously volunteer their time and talents. They are the backbone of our catechetical ministry. We ask for your prayers and support of these men and women in this important ministry of sharing the faith.
Please see below for registration for the Parish School of Religion (students attending a non-Catholic School) and registration for the Sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation. Students in 9th and 10th grade are expected to receive Confirmation this year.
Please contact Kelli Leblanc at kelli@stbernardch.com with any questions you may have.