"Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." – Mt 25:40
"Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." – Mt 25:40
Works of Mercy Initiative
Our response to the Gospel call to extend God’s mercy and compassion in our community through the spiritual and corporal works of mercy.
St. Bernard Church invites you to join our Works of Mercy Initiative, a new effort inspired by our mission to serve the Breaux Bridge and wider community through the spiritual and corporal works of mercy.
Through your generous support of the 175th Anniversary Campaign, we completed numerous parish improvements that have ultimately elevated the life of our parish.
The natural next step in our parish’s mission is to engage in our community in an even greater way through this new initiative that will fund ministries supporting the needy, youth, elderly, seminarians, and students in our parish.
The Initiatives
The Works of Mercy Initiative allows our parish to minister and assist those in need beyond the church walls to those around us in our Breaux Bridge community: the afflicted and needy, youth, elderly, seminarians, and students.
It is also an opportunity for St. Bernard parishioners to financially assist and actively participate in serving our wider St. Martin parish community. As the Works of Mercy Initiative grows through your financial support, so will the potential for an even greater positive impact on our community.
Supporting the St. Bernard/St. Francis Food Pantry as it provides essential food items and meals to families and individuals facing food insecurity, ensuring that no one in our community goes hungry
Offering assistance and resources to help individuals and families secure safe, stable, and affordable homes
Providing personalized guidance, helping those in need navigate available resources for financial assistance and benefits, employment, and basic life essentials
Assisting community members in finding affordable health services and medical support for their well-being
Mobilizing resources to provide aid, including shelter, food, and support, helping communities recover and rebuild during times of natural disaster
Providing solace to families facing financial hardship, ensuring loved ones receive a respectful and dignified burial service
Providing financial assistance for tuition at St. Bernard School, making Catholic education accessible to all families
Providing a welcoming and formative space for the youth through fellowship, spiritual growth, and community gatherings at the St. Joseph Oratory & Café
Guiding the youth of our parish in their journey of faith through catechesis, formation opportunities, fellowship, mentorship, and special programming
Offering educational opportunities for individuals of all ages to deepen their understanding of the Catholic faith and live out their beliefs
Honoring and supporting the elderly in our community with social, spiritual, and practical support to ensure they remain valued and cared for
Bringing companionship, prayer, and the sacraments to those unable to attend church, ensuring they feel connected to the parish community
Extending compassionate support and resources for those struggling with mental health challenges, fostering healing and hope within a faith-filled environment
Supporting the future shepherds our our faith through financial and prayerful assistance to help young men in their journey toward the priesthood
Missed the Works of Mercy Town Hall? No problem! Watch the Works of Mercy Town Hall here to learn more about the Initiative!
The second collection on the first weekend of the month will support the Works of Mercy Initiative.
Another way to give is through iGiveCatholic on Giving Tuesday, December 3, 2024.
Volunteers are also welcome to assist by signing up through the Works of Mercy survey.
Those requesting assistance will be interviewed through a conversation assessing the level of need. Once that is determined, a plan of action will be created to meet the needs we are able to provide. Any funds distributed are paid directly to the service provider on behalf of the one requesting financial assistance.
Volunteers are asked to interview those needing assistance. Professional, on-site training will be provided to volunteers by Catholic Charities of Acadiana. This training will equip volunteers with the tools and language necessary to most effectively assist those in need.
While the Works of Mercy Initiative may be able to connect those we serve with mental health resources or rehabilitation services, not all circumstances will fall within the scope of what St. Bernard Church is able to assist with. Some situations may require the intervention of organizations that are more equipped to address these specific problems.
The Guiding Principles
The Works of Mercy Initiative is an outreach effort inspired by the four guiding principles of Catholic Social Teaching: human dignity, the common good, solidarity, and subsidiarity.
Every person is created in the image and likeness of God (Gen 1). Each individual has a unique and unrepeatable relationship with God (Jer 1; Ps 139). Our lives belong to the Lord (Rom 14:8), and we are all called to the same end: union with God (CCC 1878). This truth of our Catholic faith calls us to love one another as God loves us, recognizing the divine image in every person.
“The human person needs to live in society. Society is not for him an extraneous addition, but a requirement of his nature. Through the exchange with other, mutual service and dialogue with his brethren, man develops his potential; he thus responds to his vocation.” — Catechism of the Catholic Church 1879
The principle of the common good emphasizes that we are all connected as one body in Christ (1 Cor 12:12-13). It calls us to work together for the well-being of every person, ensuring that social conditions allow individuals and communities to thrive and reach their full potential (CCC 1906). The common good reflects the social nature of humanity. Each person’s good is tied to the good of the community, and we are invited to "seek the common good together" (CCC 1905). This principle demands a commitment to stewardship, relationships with those in need, and justice, ensuring that "everyone is included, and no one is left behind."
“Do not live entirely isolated, having retreated into yourselves, as if you were already justified, but gather instead to seek the common good together.” — Catechism of the Catholic Church 1905
The principle of solidarity reminds us that we are all responsible for one another. As Genesis 4:9 asks, “Where is your brother?”, we are called to be our brothers' keepers. When one member suffers, all suffer together (1 Cor 12:25-26). We depend on each other and are encouraged to share our gifts generously (CCC 1936-1937). By acting in solidarity, we build a community rooted in love and mutual support.
“These differences belong to God's plan, who wills that each receive what he needs from others, and that those endowed with particular ‘talents’ share the benefits with those who need them. These differences encourage and often oblige persons to practice generosity, kindness, and sharing of goods; they foster the mutual enrichment of cultures.” — Catechism of the Catholic Church 1937
Subsidiarity emphasizes the importance of addressing needs at the most local level possible. In Exodus 18, Jethro advises Moses to establish judges to handle smaller cases, ensuring a more effective and personal approach to governance. Similarly, 1 Timothy 5:3-8 urges Christians to care for widows and families within their own communities.
“Excessive intervention by the state can threaten personal freedom and initiative. the teaching of the Church has elaborated the principle of subsidiarity, according to which "a community of a higher order should not interfere in the internal life of a community of a lower order, depriving the latter of its functions, but rather should support it in case of need and help to co-ordinate its activity with the activities of the rest of society, always with a view to the common good." — Catechism of the Catholic Church 1883
Seeking Assistance?
Seeking assistance through the Works of Mercy Initiative? Please fill out the form below to describe your needs or contact Kaitlin Davis.
How can you support the Initiative?
2nd Collection
Give generously to the second collection on the first weekend of each month, now designated for the Works of Mercy Initiative.
Fill out the Works of Mercy Survey here to volunteer and serve our community as we put your donations to work.