St. Bernard Ministries
St. Bernard Catholic Church is blessed with various ministries that offer opportunities for spiritual growth, community service, and fellowship.
We invite you to explore the diverse ways you can become an active participant in our thriving faith community in downtown Breaux Bridge.
Whether you're interested in deepening your understanding of scripture, serving the needy, joining a small group, or sharing your talents in worship, there's a place for you here.
Liturgical Ministries
Church Decorating Team
Adult Choir
Young Adult Choir
Eucharistic Processions
Altar Servers
Fête Dieu du Teche
Extraordinary Ministers
Altar Society
Martha’s Guild
Calendar Committee
& More -
Outreach Ministries
St. Joseph Oratory & Café
Works of Mercy Initiative
St. Joseph’s Altar & Celebration
Homebound Ministry
That Man Is You!
Annulments Ministry
Witness to Love | Marriage Ministry
Red Bird Ministry | Grief Ministry
Cursillo & Ultreya
& More -
Faith Formation Ministries
Parish School of Religion
Small Groups
Adult Confirmation
St. Bernard School
Theology on the Bayou
Come, Lord Jesus
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
VIA Youth Ministry
Rooted Youth Ministry
& More -
Parish Life Ministries
Catholic Daughters of America
Knights of Columbus
Tunes on the Teche
Senior Luncheon
Perpetual Adoration Chapel
Parish Grounds Upkeep
Open St. Joseph Café Sundays
Easter Vigil Team
St. Bernard Feast Day Team
& More

Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity!
– Psalm 133:1