
Contact the Apostolate/Ministry Leader directly with questions or to get involved.

That Man is You!

That Man is You! honestly addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. The program harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive!

Contact Jeremy Price / 337-356-4898 / jeremy@pricemachineshop.com

Come Lord Jesus

The Mission of Come, Lord Jesus! is the transformation of each member into the very image and likeness of Jesus by a process of formation that includes prayer, Scripture, Eucharist, and Christian community.  The program assists its members in developing their full potential as human beings and as children of God, as well as developing a more personal relationship with Jesus. It requires a commitment to meet weekly in small Catholic faith communities where its members are formed into ardent apostolic witnesses and zealous parish ministers.

Contact Audrey Thibodeaux / 337-288-3834

Witness to Love

Witness to Love is a virtues-based, Catechumenate model of marriage renewal and preparation, for engaged couples, couples in civil unions seeking the sacrament of marriage and all married couples, that integrates modern principles of psychology and the virtues to help couples facilitate an authentic dialogue about their relationship.

Contact Chasity Soileau / 337-332-2159 / Chasity@stbernardch.com

Red Bird Ministries

Red Bird was founded on helping parents address the profound healing that needs to happen while also honoring the memory of the child. Our unique value is in the attention given to protect the individual,  the marriage, and other relationships from a spectrum of issues that can compound and lead to dysfunction.

Contact Kelly Breaux / 337-233-2019 / kelly@redbird.love

Cursillo/ Ultreya

Cursillos in Christianity is a Movement which, by its own Method, attempts from within the Church, to give life to the essential Christian truths in the singularity, originality and creativity of the person. In discovering their potential and accepting their limitations, they will direct their freedom with their conviction, reinforce their will with decisiveness and direct their friendship with the virtue of constancy in their day-to-day life, personally and with others.

Contact Pip Simoneaux / 337-258-7967

Eucharistic Adoration

You may visit our Perpetual Adoration Chapel anytime, day or night.  Pray.  Meditate.  Read.  Talk to God. Consider spending one hour each week with Jesus, present in the Blessed Sacrament.

Youth Adoration is every first Friday of the month at 3pm during the school year.

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a process through which adults discern if the Catholic tradition of the Christian life is appropriate for them. Through discussions, prayers, and reflection, we accompany the person on this journey of faith, allowing each person to develop a relationship with God.

Contact Kathryn Allemand / 337-332-2159 / kathrynallemand@gmail.com


Adult Confirmation

If you are an adult and are interested in being confirmed, we offer adult confirmation twice a year. The program consists of three Saturday classes prior to the weekend of Confirmation.

Contact Parish Office at 337-332-2159 

Rooted is a youth program for 3rd to 5th graders seeking a greater relationship with Christ. Rooted events are centered around faith development, building community, and having fun!

Contact Kelli Leblanc / 337-332-2159 / kelli@stbernardch.com

Rooted Youth Ministry

(3rd-5th grades)

EDGE is a junior high Catholic youth ministry program built by Life Teen.  EDGE is separate from the Parish School of Religion and focuses on the junior high kids growing as active members of the parish with events focused on prayer, service, and Catholic culture. Learn more below about events throughout the year including Bible studies, service days, pilgrimage days, and youth nights for junior high students.

Contact Kaitlin Davis / 985-373-0458 / kaitlin@stbernardch.com

Edge Youth Ministry

(6th-8th grades)

VIA is a high school youth ministry program built with our teens and parish in mind. We want to give our teens a place to pray, belong, and serve as active members of St. Bernard. This includes Bible studies, service days, pilgrimage days, and youth nights devoted to the teens. VIA means “the way” in Latin, and is being taken from Jesus’ words “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). Learn more below about events for high school students to grow with as they follow Jesus as “the way”.

Contact Kaitlin Davis / 985-373-0458 / kaitlin@stbernardch.com

Via Youth Ministry

(9th-12th grades)

The Parish Hospitality Team will tend to the needs and upkeep of the Borel Center to assure our parish gathering space remains inviting.  This is a great ministry for parish families to get involved in and will count toward stewardship hours needed for Parish School of Religion.

Please sign up for the weekend that works best for you and our ministry team leaders will provide a list of needed projects and tasks for that weekend. Each team member will serve one weekend of the month.

Sign up begins in the Fall 2021

Contact Monica Domingue / 337-288-9447 or

Wendy Huval / 337-654-2454

Parish Hospitality


The Parish Grounds Upkeep Team will tend to the needs of the parish grounds, i.e upkeep of flower beds, clean/paint statues, etc.  This is a great ministry for parish families to get involved in and will count toward stewardship hours needed for Parish School of Religion.

Please sign up for the weekend that works best for you and our ministry team leaders will provide a list of needed projects and tasks for that weekend. Each team member will serve one weekend of the month.

Contact Tennielle Angelle / tenniellet@yahoo.com  / 337-852-9635 or 

Chasity Soileau / chasity@stbernardch.com / 337-303-7979

Parish Grounds Upkeep


Worker Bee Volunteer Ministry

BEE a part of our Worker Bee volunteer family and give back to St. Bernard! Our thriving parish needs all hands on deck! We appreciate every helping bee we can get!

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Tunes on the Teche

  • Christ the King Presentation

  • Fête Dieu du Teche

  • Parish Grounds Upkeep

  • Church Decorating

  • St. Lucy Festival of Lights

  • St. Joseph's Altar

  • & More!

Contact Kelli Leblanc / 337-332-2159 / kelli@stbernardch.com